from pathlib import Path import streamlit as st with st.echo("below"): from st_pages import Page, Section, add_page_title, show_pages "## Declaring the pages in your app:" show_pages( [ Page("example_app/", "Home", "🏠"), # Can use :: or the actual icon Page("example_app/", "Example One", ":books:"), # Since this is a Section, all the pages underneath it will be indented # The section itself will look like a normal page, but it won't be clickable Section(name="Cool apps", icon=":pig:"), # The pages appear in the order you pass them Page("example_app/", "Example Four", "📖"), Page("example_app/", "Example Two", "✏️"), Section(name="Other apps", icon=":horse:"), # Will use the default icon and name based on the filename if you don't # pass them Page("example_app/"), # You can also pass in_section=False to a page to make it un-indented Page("example_app/", "Example Five", "🧰", in_section=False), ] ) add_page_title() # Optional method to add title and icon to current page # Also calls add_indentation() by default, which indents pages within a section "## Alternative approach, using a config file" "Contents of `.streamlit/pages_sections.toml`" st.code(Path(".streamlit/pages_sections.toml").read_text(), language="toml") "Streamlit script:" with st.echo("below"): from st_pages import show_pages_from_config show_pages_from_config(".streamlit/pages_sections.toml") "See more at" with st.expander("Show documentation"): from st_pages import add_indentation